Attention Vidrine Family! Help Needed!

Attention Vidrine Family! MARIE ROUESNA, the Matriarch of the Vidrine Family has a documented history that changed the course of her tribe. A Woman to be CELEBRATED, HONORED & ACKNOWLEDGED through solid Full Sequence Mitochondrial DNA results! We have found another participant to help us solidify the C4c1 (Native American) results. Funding is needed to help make this happen. $10, $20, $30 or any amount helps us reach our goals. If you are a descendant of this remarkable woman, please consider being part of this by donating. The link to donate is below. In the box select A and scroll down until you see the Acadian AmerIndian Ancestry DNA project & select it. Put in the donation amount, & donation type, Your choice of (Anonymous, Honor, Individual, Memory of or Unknown) Donor name (you can leave blank if you so desire) & NOTE SECTION. Please be sure to put in the NOTE section: MtDNA, Marie Rouesna. Our Goal is to get at least 3 agreeing MtDNA results to solidify these results! Every contribution towards this goal helps. Please share the post!See this link for more info about this exciting project:…/serendipitous_c4c1…